Jimmy Kimmel's week of taking on politicians and pundits in the name of the American healthcare system

Jimmy Kimmel's week of taking on politicians and pundits in the name of the American healthcare system

Wow, Jimmy Kimmel is having a week... and he's doing it in the name of healthcare.

Earlier this week, a monologue of his went viral after he learned about the GOP's continued efforts to repeal The Affordable Care Act (known to many as Obamacare). This past May Kimmel's newborn son had to have open heart surgery and prompted the late night host to give a teary monologue about his ordeal. The host stated that though his child is covered, many children in the same situation as his son are not. This prompted Kimmel to declare that no family in America should have to worry about this.

All seemed well, even Senator Bill Cassidy came out in support of Kimmel's words stating that he agreed with the late night host. This week, things went South this week when Cassidy co-sponsored a new healthcare bill with Senator Lindsay Graham that essentially called for the opposite of what Cassiday told Kimmel he was planning to do. This didn't sit well with Kimmel and he ripped into the Senator and called his motives into question...

After that video made the rounds, many pundits and politicians alike called Kimmel out. But Kimmel didn't back down, last night unleashing on the Senators who co-sponsored the bill who claim he doesn't understand the bill and pundits like Brian Kilmeade, who Kimmel calls a "phony little creep," who desperately wants to be a member of the Hollywood elite, and when he sees Kimmel, "kisses my ass like a little boy meeting Batman."

It's easy to become disillusioned about this stuff. It's not always fun to figure out and it's not always the easiest thing to comprehend. But the reality is this... our healthcare system is something everyone in our country will have to interact with at some point in their life. It might not be now, might not be for long, but at some point you will have to deal with it. It's important to understand what our elected officials are working to do to said system and to provide them with feedback so they best represent our needs as a public.

UPDATE: Friday, September 22nd
Kimmel is not letting up on his battle against this bill, digging on his stance and has since taken aim at the President and Vice President even stating, "people haven't been as opposed to this bill since Cosby." The main thrust of politicians against Kimmel is "you are not a doctor," which Kimmel repeatedly re-states, he's not a doctor but literally every other doctor for reputable organizations are against the bill.

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