Late night shows its support for Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondents Dinner speech

Late night shows its support for Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondents Dinner speech

This weekend, Michelle Wolf hosted the White House Correspondents Dinner. An evening where it's the job of a comedian to bring it all home and roast the hell out of all things political and journalistic in attendance. Something Michelle Wolf is completely competent to do and nailed, roasting everything from our President, to his staff, to the journalists and other esteemed guests, she was funny and had some killer material. Afterward, people went nuts with both the press and administration coming down on the comedian for her doing exactly what her job was in this instance.

Wolf set off a firestorm that's completely unnecessary (what, did you expect a comedy website to not support a comedian?) as you'll notice, Seth Meyers pointed out that head of the White House Correspondents Association, Margaret Talev hired Wolf to do the exact job that she did at the dinner, then immediately backpedaled from it following the dinner. Perhaps because Wolf mentioned that the press was a bit in love with this administration and perhaps even played a part in its rise to power?

Wolf's fellow comedians were not having it with many coming to her defense on social media. Last night late night hosts took the opportunity to show their support including her former boss and friend Seth Meyers in which Michelle Wolf both wrote for and appeared on.

Seth Meyers
"Michelle Wolf doesn't need anyone to defend her, but she is our friend. So when you call her filthy you are RIGHT! She is filthy, and she is mean, which is what we love about her. Because those are wonderful qualities for a comedian and terrible qualities for world leaders."

Stephen Colbert
"At this event roasting the administration and the media. Who got mad? The administration and the media!"

Jimmy Fallon
"Nobody makes a mockery of my staff except me!"

Trevor Noah
"I agree completely with President Trump and his team, comedians should be held to a higher standard than he is. Which is why even though Michelle Wolf left her for her new show 4 months ago, tonight I'm announcing that I'm officially firing her."

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