Comedian Brody Stevens dead at age 48

Comedian Brody Stevens dead at age 48

Photo: Comedy Central/Martin Crook

"818 Til I Die"

Comedian Brody Stevens has left us. The comedian and all-around ball of energy is dead at 48 of an apparent suicide. Reports are that the comedian was found shortly before 1pm PT in his apartment unconscious from a hanging. As of the time of this writing not too many details about his death are known but Stevens has been fairly open about suffering from depression which hospitalized him in 2011 and a topic covered on his TV show, Enjoy It.

A recent social media check-in from the comedian was via periscope where he mentioned he was struggling a bit and had just started Lexapro for depression and was getting adjusted to it.

Stevens was a regular in the LA comedy scene, done plenty of late night TV spots, a Comedy Central half hour, and The Hangover movies. On more than a few occasions we saw Brody serving as the audience warm-up act for TV show. He also had his own TV show on Comedy Central Enjoy It which was executive produced by Zach Galifianakis and a Seeso stand-up special.

Once the news broke, the comedy community cam out to show much love for Stevens who was a uniquely funny and spirited person with a lot of positive energy. In fact, 3 different hashtags were trending at one point from all those checking in and sharing stories, including his #818forlife which is a play on the phrase, "818 Til I Die" which Stevens would often announce to crowds about living in the San Fernando Valley.

Rest easy Steven Brody Stevens. 818 Til Today.

UPDATE: Friends of Brody Stevens are putting on a benefit show at The Comedy Store on March 5th to raise money for Brody's family. Tickets can be purchased on The Store's website. If you aren't going to be in the Los Angeles area and still would like to contribute to the cause, there is a GoFundMe Page where you can donate to the cause.

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