Lawyers for Bill Cosby argue parameters for June 5th sexual assault trial

Lawyers for Bill Cosby argue parameters for June 5th sexual assault trial

The upcoming sexual assault trial of Bill Cosby has a few new twists. A few days ago a judge ruled that only one of the many women accusing Cosby of assault can testify. The 13 other women who’ve come forward accusing Cosby will not be able to take the stand, instead, just two women - a former assistant to Cosby’s ex-agent Tom Illius, and Andrea Constand, the Temple University employee and accuser in the suit. The reason only one additional accuser (the former assistant) was allowed in court was because she claims her assault came in 1996, making it one of the most recent dates of complaints. Cosby's lawyer Brian McMonagle said that that the other women have “no business” in the lawsuit.

Additionally the judge granted a request from McMonagle to have jurors chosen from a different county than Montgomery County where the current trial is being held. The lawyer claimed media coverage was so intense that for Cosby to get a fair trial "anywhere in the country," would be difficult for the comedian.

So now the lawyers need to do something particularly difficult, and that's find jurors whose opinions about Cosby haven't been changed in light of the dozen+ accusations toward Cosby that have surfaced in the last few years. Such is the cost of celebrity. Once said jury is decided, chances are they'll be sequestered once the June 5th trail begins.

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