My brother, my brother, and my quest to get into the "Trolls" sequel

My brother, my brother, and my quest to get into the "Trolls" sequel

Photo: Seeso/NBC Universal

About a year ago the brother's McElroy - Justin, Travis, and Griffin. Hosts of the wildly funny podcast (and short-lived Seeso show), My Brother, My Brother, And Me set out on a quest that started after how all great quests start... they took edibles in a hotel room and hatched a plan.

The three brother then and there decided they should set out to get roles in the sequel to the animated hit, Trolls. Yes, that Trolls starring Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick. The brothers thought it might not be that difficult a task because the first movie featured a few internet famous Youtubers. Being that The McElroys have a knack for it, the decided to document their journey in a NPR-styled podcast and called it The McElroy Brothers Will Be In Trolls 2. Which featured interviews with Archer creator Adam Reed and their agent Joel Begleiter.

It didn't look good for the brothers as they actually did recount a bad meeting with studio execs at Dreamworks on the podcast. As the middle brother, Travis showed up late to the meeting wearing a shirt with the word "PISS" on the front of it. This led the trio to wonder if their hopes had been dashed on the rocks.

So, now after all the struggle and against all odds, those sonofabitches did it and they will actually be providing their voices for the Trolls sequel called Trolls World Tour. While they will not be portraying troll versions of three brothers, they're going to portray characters Techno Beat Drop Button, Country Music Tear, and Hard Rock Tear the latter of the three will be musicians.

While it appears the brother's journey is successful, there is the very real chance those appearances end up on the cutting room floor. So the three are asking fans to start a “f*cking riot” if they do get cut, wanting it to be the "biggest deal on Earth” if they get left out of the final version of the film.

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