New Netflix doc shows how Larry David got a man acquitted of murder

New Netflix doc shows how Larry David got a man acquitted of murder

Season 9 of Curb Your Enthusiasm is set to premiere on HBO in a few weeks. Around the same time, Netflix will debut a wildly interesting story about how Larry David and the show saved a man from going to prison for murder. The documentary, called Long Shot centers around Juan Catalan, a man arrested in 2003 for a murder he did not commit. He was later acquitted in 2007 due to evidence that confirmed his alibi of being at an L.A. Dodgers game. That alibi, was outtakes from an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. It just so happened, on the day of Catalan's alibi, Larry David and co. were shooting an episode of the show at Dodger stadium (it's a classic, David hires a hooker so he can ride in the carpool lane and get to the game faster). Catalan remembered the filming happening and told his lawyer, who then combed through all the reels of tape in an attempt to catch a glimpse of Catalan in the stands... and he did. The documentary dives deeper into the story, interviewing all players involved, including Larry David.

Catalan said he never watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, but after his release, he became a devoted fan. Long Shot premieres on September 29th, while Curb returns on HBO on October 1st.

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