Now all of Spinal Tap is suing over unpaid "This Is Spinal Tap" royalties

Now all of Spinal Tap is suing over unpaid "This Is Spinal Tap" royalties

Back in October, Harry Shearer filed a lawsuit against Vivendi Studios, the folks that own the rights to This Is Spinal Tap, the legendary film he was a co-creator and star of. Shearer claimed that the studio owed him over $125M in back royalties from the movie and merchandise sales that he never saw recieved in the 40 years since the movie's release.

Originally, Shearer was the only key creative person in the lawsuit. But that all changed as Tuesday the remaining 3 creative players the film have joined Shearer. Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and the film's director Rob Reiner have joined the suit adding a 22-page amended complaint, filed Tuesday in a U.S. District Court of California. The amendment with the new plaintiffs now brings the total damages up to $400 million dollars claimed to be owed to the 4 gentlemen.

Shearer has been keeping us informed of updates via his social media and the website

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