Pete Lee drops by "The Tonight Show" to talk about his Midwestern niceness

Pete Lee drops by "The Tonight Show" to talk about his Midwestern niceness

If you're keeping count, Pete Lee is legit one of the nicest guys currently working in comedy. Another nice guy in comedy is Jimmy Fallon, so it's not much of a leap that he'd drop by The Tonight Show and just be a few swell guys telling stand-up jokes. Lee, who compared himself to a bouncer at a TED Talk, talked about being from the Midwest and the smile that comes along with it, how not being a New Yorker might make you pretty happy, and the joy of pockets on dresses.

Perhaps one of the best moments of Lee's stand-up set is around the 3:34 mark when Lee gets a pretty big pop for a joke, you distinctly hear Jimmy Fallon's isolated laugh.

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