Phil Rosenthal from “Somebody Feed Phil” is launching “Somebody Feed the People”

Phil Rosenthal from “Somebody Feed Phil” is launching “Somebody Feed the People”

For the past few years, Phil Rosenthal has been doing his Netflix series Somebody Feed Phil. This is where he goes all over the world to try food from different cultures. Well now, he’s turning the tables and bringing food to you.

Rosenthal has now created Somebody Feed the People. Basically, the organization is raising money to be able to feed people while waiting in the polls. This is a way to give back to those who are going to be spending all days waiting outside (in many cases where it is cold) just to be able to perform their duty as an American citizen. Somebody Feed the People “is an inclusive and non-partisan campaign supporting meal providers mobilizing across the country,” they said in an official statement. “We want anybody who is passionate about making sure The People are fed to join us so that all The People can exercise their civic duty #vote.”

You can find out more information here.

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