Watch Lewis Black's rant against the "Douche Document" healthcare bill on "The Daily Show"

Watch Lewis Black's rant against the "Douche Document" healthcare bill on "The Daily Show"

Lewis Black's unfettered rants on The Daily Show are pure comedy elation. His Back In Black segment has now run on TDS over the course of 3 different hosts of the show and as the crotchety old comedian becomes more crotchety he tends to toss more middle fingers and give less f*cks than ever before. With the current political topic of note the GOP's attempt to once again repeal/replace The Affordable Care Act, Black takes his ire toward the misguided attempts the GOP is taking to try to confuse the public. In the process of his rant, Black's declaration of “Insurance isn’t the healthy paying for the sick, it’s the healthy paying to slow down their inevitable demise — which might be helpful in a country that stuffs hot dogs into pizza."

We're here in 2017 while Lewis Black is operating in 3017.

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