Geraldine Hickey - What A Surprise
Geraldine Hickey - What A Surprise
How long is the rental duration?
How long is the rental duration?
You have 30 days to start watching and 365 days to complete after clicking play.
Can I watch on my TV?
Can I watch on my TV?
Yes! You can cast to Chromecast or Apple TV from your computer or mobile device.
Geraldine Hickey is the type of person that’s happy to let other people lead. Leaders do all the work and know what’s around the corner. Geraldine doesn’t want to know what’s around the corner, she wants to believe there’ll be a bouncy castle.
Geraldine’s deceptively effortless knack for turning low-key yarns into high-stakes, helplessly funny narrative rollercoasters culminated in her Most Outstanding Show award at the 2021 Melbourne Comedy Festival for… What A Surprise.
"Crowd heaving back and forth on their seats." ★★★★★ The Age
“High reward comedy.” ★★★★★ Beat