Hey Babe & Taste Buds on No Presh Podcast Network.

No Presh Podcast Network Announces Indefinite Hiatus, Hits Pause On "Hey Babe" & Taste Buds"

The buddies are taking a break!

The No Presh Podcast Network, home to the two popular Sal Vulcano podcasts Hey Babe co-hosted by Chris Distefano & Taste Buds co-hosted by Joe DeRosa, announced yesterday in the latest episode of the Taste Buds Podcast that they're gonna be taking an indefinite break (but it's for the best reasons).

The episode started with the trio over Zoom sharing the details of this bitter-sweet indefinite hiatus crediting their busy schedules & not having the bandwidth to create the best episodes their fans know & love.

What the guys are saying about the No Presh Network hiatus.

Joe DeRosa said in the intro, "Our schedule & lives have become too..." busy he implies as he's describing each other's lives at the moment. "We've been having a very hard time delivering on the shows in the way that we were able to a few years ago."

Sal Vulcano adds speaking to the listeners that "we got a few good things that got good news in our careers, a couple of projects that are requiring a lot of our attention, we don't wanna stop this but we just have to take an indefinite hiatus to get through all of this stuff & get back to a place when we do come back (whenever that may be) and we can put in as much time and effort into the show as we want as you guys deserve."

Each of the comics in their own right have been crushing it in their own endeavors both professionally & personally. Sal just released his debut stand-up special Terrified on YouTube to popular & fan-raving acclaim (nearly at a million views as of writing), he's touring for both his next hour & Impractical Jokers and just recently revealed he's a Dad & family man now.

DeRosa has been "married to the stage" he jokes as he's been working out his next special on the I Never Promised You A Rose Garden Tour.

Distefano is also a busy parent and is continuing to tour his newest hour. He also jokes that the guys "haven't hit a diversity quota we strive to hit with our staff and with our guests" cause "being half-Latino & half-Egyptian" didn't make the cut Vulcano jokes in response.

The network was started when the three collaborators were together more often than most during the pandemic three years ago. So knowing that, it makes sense that they aren't able to be together as much. But they offered hope on the show saying that they might be doing a one-off audio only podcast with the three hosts or even a live show together.

Until the next time the podcast hosts put out more episodes under the No Presh network, we look forward to following & covering more of what Sal, Joe & Chris have in store in the future!

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