
Recapping The Annual Brody Stevens Festival, “Brodyfest 2024”

Anyone who ever got to be lucky enough to witness the late, great Brody Stevens onstage knows just how special a moment it was. Whether the room was nearly empty or completely full, watching Stevens take the stage was nothing short of magical. There’s a reason why he did so well in the last spot of the night at the Comedy Store, known as the “Kinison spot.” It’s because nobody could follow or match his energy.

When Stevens passed away in 2019, the comedy community was shaken by the news. At its core, what it did was invite in a conversation about mental health, and just how important it was to have resources for comedians. That’s what Comedy Gives Back does. Bringing resources to and raising awareness all throughout the community.

Every year since his passing, family, friends, and fans of Brody Stevens have all come together to pay tribute to the late comic. As his catchphrase was “818 Til I Die,” he was proud of being from the Valley, there’s an annual weekend of celebration in Stevens’ honor held each year. This year was no different.

A closer look at this year's Brody Stevens "Brodyfest"

On Saturday the 17th, the festivities kicked off in Reseda, right near Brody’s high school. After a warm-up that included some stretching and speeches on the importance of raising mental health awareness, attendees were led on a 1-mile walk around the park and out onto the street, walking past Brody’s high school and where he famously played baseball. After reconvening at the park after the walk was the rally. We heard from speakers that included his fellow comics like Ben Gleib, Alex Hooper, and Sandy Danto, among countless others. Following the rally, it was time for the softball game. This was the first year they organized the game, and something they definitely want to bring back in the future.

The following night, the festivities continued at The Comedy Store. Just as it’s been in years past, it was a full-out tribute to Stevens, with a jam-packed night of remembrances from those who knew him best. Also, a lot of laughs. But it always came back to Brody, especially when recordings of his voice would sporadically interject over the course of the night. Plus there were videos showcasing some of his best stuff, so anyone who may be unfamiliar can be caught up to speed.

Hosted by longtime friend and Comedy Store regular Don Barris, the evening was everything you could want it to be. Some of the comics featured on the lineup were Jeff Garlin, Jay Mohr, Doug Benson, Pete Lee, Howard Kremer, Sandy Danto, Sam Tripoli, and Byron Bowers. Closing the night out in the Brody spot, however, was Yamaneika Saunders. Just as the crowd is starting to disperse, Saunders managed to take control of the stage and keep the night going long past the 7 minute set that was listed on the schedule. Brody would’ve been proud.

It was a true celebration in every sense of the world. Of Brody Stevens and comedy, of course. But more than anything, the fact that there is support out there for anyone who needs it. That’s what Comedy Gives Back is all about, and will continue to keep doing.

See some of the photos we captured from the event below!

Jeff Garlin at Brodyfest
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